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If you’re in need of further assistance, email us or give us a call on 0207 791 9800 and quote reference RAP-EBD96E85

(Step 0 of circa 68)


Welcome to the Reasonable Adjustments Pathway

WorkRights will help you to determine if you are eligible for reasonable adjustments in your workplace because of an impairment (disability). If we determine you are eligible for reasonable adjustments, we will provide you with a factsheet that explains your circumstances and a letter that you can use to tell your employer about what you need. If your situation is complex, we may also invite you to contact us for one-to-one help.

How long will it take to complete the pathway?

The amount of time it takes to complete the pathway will depend on your circumstances. We suggest you allow up to 45 minutes to answer the questions and input details.

What documents or information do I need?

You won’t need any documents with you when you complete WorkRights.

What happens if I need to break off using the pathway mid-way through? Can I save my answers?

If for any reason you need to break off from completing the pathway, we have provided a simple way for you to pick up where you left off. Use the Pathway reference number to restart the pathway.

Are there any potential risks to confidentiality (shared or work computers etc)?

Although every precaution has been taken to preserve your privacy, you may wish to take these additional precautions if you are using a shared computer or a computer provided by your employer:

  • Access the site using Private Browsing / Incognito mode
  • If we ask you to provide an email address, use a personal and not a work email account
  • If we provide you with a letter to download, carefully chose the location where you wish to store it

Remember, WorkRights is fully optimised for use on a mobile phone or tablet, and does not have to be accessed from a computer

We want to make sure that you understand how using this website affects your privacy:

Only users with complex needs will be asked to provide any information that could be used to identify them (personal data). The WorkRights website stores this data securely, in an encrypted formIf we do collect any personal data from you, it is sent to DLS in an encrypted form, and treated with strictest confidence, with the same level of security as all our other client information. We will use this data to contact you, and to provide you with tailored adviceWe will ask all users for some demographic information about themselves, to enable DLS and our funders to understand who we are helping. This information is anonymous, and cannot be used to identify you. However you do not have to answer these questions if you do not want to.

You can read more information about your privacy on our privacy statement.

Your pathway reference number: RAP-EBD96E85.

This reference number can be used to continue your pathway if you need to take a break. You can also use this as a reference if you need to contact us for further support.